Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Pot and the Kettle....

My friend and I have no problem calling each other out for things we are guilty of doing as well.... Thus the nicknames "Pot" and "Kettle". Sometimes I'm the pot, sometimes I'm the kettle. It's always makes me smile, if not burst out laughing!

Based on her most recent text message, today, it appears that I am the kettle! I want to thank her for that! I hope when she reads this that she will smile because I am dedicating today's post to her... My good friend, Jenn, aka (at least today) "The Pot".

This has been a really bad week at work. Frustration level has been at an all time high! But my friend (and co-worker) has a way to make me laugh when I want to scream! I'd like to think I do the same for her. Of course, I know when to push that button and when not to... so does she! We understand each other's sense of humor, moods, and quirks. Sometimes people at work don't get our humor and that becomes another source of humor between us!

I've had the privilege of going on a trip to NYC with her at Christmas time and had a blast! I was ill one night so I missed a really good time, but the time I did have was great! I love to look back at some of the pictures we took and just laugh. The wax musuem was so much fun as she would imitate the poses of each of the stars there. We got lost more than once and looked at it as an adventure. Taking a trip with her is an experience that you want to do again and again.

She is full of fun. The humorous way she looks at life is uncanny. Her sense of humor is priceless. I wish I could think off the cuff as quick as she does. Life has dealt her some tough blows (some life threatening) but she has stood strong and not allowed the circumstances to keep her down! I really admire that about her.

She is a good friend to have you your court, for sure! She will have your back. I have hers as well.

<--- See how she treats me!?
By the way, Jenn.... where is my quiche??? You need to get on your mom about that!! What's a girl gotta do to get one??

1 comment:

  1. There is a reason there is a drive-thru window in our office wall!! You definitely do the same for me kettle!! If you weren't on the other side of that window to make comments and make me laugh, the remainder of the sanity I have left would have escaped me by now :o) Now pass me the placebo pills..uh, I mean!!
