Friday, July 31, 2009

The Flood of 2004

Sometimes I like to go back to things I've written in the past. Today I am going to revisit something that I wrote a few years ago.... if for no other reason other than for my loyal followers to have something to read:o)

The Lord, in Isaiah 55:8, clearly states that His ways and thoughts are not like ours. That was very much evident in my life last week. Our city was hit by a flash flood. Now, we have heard the warnings before, but never saw evidence of them. Therefore, when we heard the warning on August 30, 2004, not too many people paid heed. When hurricane Gaston came and lingered homes and property were destroyed and tragically, lives were lost.

That particular morning I was very ill. Out of nowhere came a dizzy spell and that clammy, sick feeling of my inner ear being out of whack. I stumbled my way back to bed and collapsed. I just did not understand why I was sick. I know what usually triggers these attacks and had been careful to prevent any episodes. My daughter’s car was in the shop. We work together but don’t typically ride in together. Since her car was out of commission, we had been doing the car pool thing. The car I usually drive to work is a stick shift 4 speed. My daughter cannot shift gears. With me being flat on my back, she had no choice but to drive our only other vehicle to work that morning. Finally, about 11:00 am, I asked my husband to drive me into work. I was feeling somewhat better and just felt I should go in.
During the course of the day, we got the warnings. Flash flooding was feared. I don’t think our city really knew what that meant. When we left to go home the wind was fierce and the rain was pouring in sheets. My daughter was a little leery of driving, so I took the wheel. We decided that due to the strength of the storm, and the time of day (rush hour), we would take an alternate route. This would help keep us from just sitting on the interstate. By the time we got to one of the main roads, I was amazed. The water was standing several inches thick. I had honestly never seen such. We progressed onward and as I drove, I was getting more and more astonished. A few times the water was so deep that I honestly felt like my car was going to drift off the road. We prayed all the way home for God to protect and shield us from danger. As came upon the road that leads to our subdivision, it was closed due to high water. We figured we would take the alternate route to home. The sides of the roads were amazing with water spouting out of the ditches like fountains.
Finally, we made it to the other entrance to our neighborhood. To our amazement, it too was closed. There was a truck in front of us that proceeded thru the barrier. I followed suit. I could feel the car trying to slide and suddenly we were even more passionate about our prayers of protection. We made it only by the grace of God. Had that truck not gone ahead of me, it would not have parted the waters thus making it possible for me to pass through. Now, honestly, what was I thinking by even going past the barricade? That was pure lack of wisdom on my part. All I was thinking was that I could see the road that led to my house and I wanted to go home. I thank God for that truck that was ahead of me. Had it not been there, I would not have made it otherwise.

As I reflected on the course of the day. It all made sense. Thankfully, my daughter’s car was in the shop. It would never have made the trip home. She would have panicked and had a melt down. Had I not been sick that morning, we would have ridden in together in my car. That car is lightweight and would surely have floated away. She could not drive my car because she cannot shift gears. That left the only other available car. The car that we rode safely home in.

Moral of the story? Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3: 5-6) He knows!

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